Hunter wheel alignment equipment is very well known and well respected across the industry. It is has a large database consisting of specifications for 1000s of different vehicles. It also has an interface that can provide the vehicle owner with a before and after report showing exactly what needs to be adjusted and then has been adjusted during the realignment process.
The Hunter system uses imaging sensors to measure alignment angles. These include the Caster, Thrust Line, Camber, Toe Out, and Toe In. These readings are then compared against the specifications provided by the vehicle manufacturer and adjusted as needed to make sure that the alignment is correct for that particular vehicle.
We can also carry out custom alignment settings to suit different driver/vehicle needs.

Problems caused by incorrect wheel alignment
Increased tyre wear
Misaligned wheels can result in accelerated tyre wear. The most common misalignment that causes this is excessive toe which results in uneven wear across the tyre. Additionally too much negative or positive camber may also make the inner edges of the tyres wear out faster.
Reduced performance
If wheel alignment is incorrect this can compromise performance affecting braking and cornering. Optimal performance requires the maximum contact patch. Additionally if front wheels are not parallel to one another extra effort is needed to push the tyres across the road. This is also the case if the toe in/toe out alignment is incorrect.

Pulling to one side
If the front wheels are pointing in different directions, the vehicle will try to pull to one side. This is because whilst one wheel is in the dead ahead position the other is trying to turn a corner. You may also notice that the steering wheel is not central when driving in a straight line.
Increased fuel consumption
Correctly aligned wheels ensure no power is wasted and that fuel economy is preserved. Misaligned wheels require extra effort to turn increasing fuel consumption.
We will always also carry out a wheel alignment check and adjust after any suspension related work and would recommend having it checked every time you have tyres replaced to prolong the life of your new tyres.
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